Monday 15 August 2016

Asuransi Perjalanan Juga Mencakup "Delay" Pesawat dan Perlindungan Rumah

Pernakah Anda ditawarkan untuk memesan tiket berikut dengan asuransi perjalanan? Apakah sebaiknya Anda mengambil fasilitas tersebut?
Julian Noor, Direktur Eksekutif AAUI (Asosiasi Asuransi Umum Indonesia) mengatakan, asuransi perjalanan memang hanya diminati sedikit orang Indonesia. Padahal, asuransi perjalanan adalah komponen penting dalam perjalanan terutama ke luar negeri.
Julian menuturkan, ada dua penyebab orang Indonesia tidak aware dengan asuransi perjalanan. Pertama, masyarakat Indonesia tidak insurance minded. Kedua adalah persepsi masyakarat yang salah soal traveling.

"Orang memang suka menganggap kalau traveling, biro perjalanannya sudah memilihkan yang terbaik.
Padahal, perjalanan Anda tidak sepenuhnya terjamin. Meski Anda sudah mendapat fasilitas terbaik dari biro perjalanan, masih ada beberapa risiko yang mungkin saja terjadi saat berwisata. Misalnya masalah dengan pesawat, kecelakaan saat tur, atau bahkan terorisme.
Bukanlah hal yang mudah bagi Anda apabila mengalami sakit atau kecelakaan di luar negeri. Selain kesulitan mencari rumah sakit, biaya yang harus Anda keluarkan juga semakin mahal. Inilah pentingnya asuransi perjalanan.

"Buat mereka yang traveling itu preminya hanya sepersekian persen, tidak sampai 1persen dari biaya perjalanan mereka," jelas Julian.
Julian menjelaskan, seringkali orang mengacuhkan asuransi perjalanan karena menganggap preminya mahal. Harga asuransi perjalanan sebenarnya cenderung murah dibanding coverage yang pihak asuransi tawarkan. Harga asuransi travel sebenarnya hanya sekian persen dari total biaya perjalanan Anda.
"Sebetulnya tidak hanya itu yang di-cover oleh travel insurance. Kehilangan bagasi dan delay atau keterlambatan penerbangan juga ditanggung," ujar Julian.
Banyak penumpang pesawat yang mengeluh karena kehilangan bagasi. Namun, banyak penerbangan yang tidak bertanggung jawab atau mungkin hanya mengganti sebagian kecil dari apa yang hilang. Dengan adanya travel insurance, keberadaan bagasi Anda dilindungi. Akan ada penggantian apabila bagasi hilang di tengah perjalanan.
Julian menambahkan, adanya asuransi perjalanan akan melindungi Anda dari delay peaswat. Akan ada kompensasi yang diberikan oleh travel insurance dalam jangka waktu penundaan yang ditentukan.
"Ada juga perlindungan terhadap rumah. Itu untuk yang traveling cukup lama dan meninggalkan rumahnya, misalnya rumahnya kosong dalam waktu lama," tambahnya.
Apabila ada kejadian yang menimpa rumah Anda, kebakaran misalnya, pihak asuransi perjalanan Anda akan mengganti sesuai dengan premi yang Anda bayarkan.

kutipan:| travel:

Tuesday 14 June 2016

5 Penyakit Kritis Berpotensi Menjadi Beban Finansial

Ada jenis jenis penyakit tertentu yang bisa menjadi beban finansial bagi seseorang atau bahkan bagi keluarganya. Jika tak ada persiapan, pengobatannya membutuhkan biaya ratusan juta hingga miliaran rupiah

Tahukah Anda berapa perkiraan biaya berobat sakit kritis? Kisah keluarga Widyanarto (44) mungkin bisa gambaran. Suatu kali ibu mereka divonis terkena kanker payudara stadium akhir. Untuk mengobatinya, diperlukan operasi pengangkatan payudara hingga perawatan pasca operasi seperti kemoterapi dan pemberian obat tertentu. Untuk semua biaya perawatan dua tahun sejak divonis, keluarga mereka harus menjual properti keluarga. Bukan itu saja, pesangon sang ayah yang harusnya digunakan untuk masa pensiun, juga akhirnya sebagian besar dipakai untuk membayar perawatan sang ibu.
Menurut Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nila Djuwita Anfasa Moeloek, beban pembiayaan penyakit kritis memang sangat besar. Dari periode Januari hingga Juni 2014 saja, jika dihitung dari klaim program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), jumlahnya mencapai Rp5,27 triliun. Itu pun belum termasuk mereka yang dirawat tanpa menggunakan fasilitas asuransi dari BPJS Kesehatan.[1] Bukan itu saja. Bahkan menurut perkiraan Forum Ekonomi Dunia (WEF), penyakit tidak menular yang berpotensi berpengaruh terhadap ekonomi Indonesia pada periode 2012 hingga 2030 mencapai US$4,47 triliun atau sekitar Rp58 ribu triliun (kurs 1 dolar = Rp13 ribu).
Lalu jenis jenis penyakit apa saja yang bisa berpotensi menjadi beban keuangan? Berikut data yang disampaikan Menkes RI di sela-sela Sidang Kesehatan Dunia Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO)[2]

1. Penyakit jantung
Jantung termasuk penyakit kritis yang menghabiskan triliunan rupiah. Disebutkan pada periode Januari – Juni 2014, terjadi 232.010 kasus yang menghabiskan dana Rp1,82 triliun. Beberapa masalah yang sering terjadi adalah adanya penyumbatan aliran darah ke jantung. Untuk itu ada beberapa jenis perawatan yang biasa dilakukan, baik dengan operasi bypass (memberikan saluran baru ke jantung) atau pemasangan ring (memberikan semacam cincin untuk membuka saluran yang tersumbat).[3]
2. Stroke
Pada peringkat kedua penyakit yang mendatangkan beban finansial tertinggi adalah stroke. Pada periode yang sama, pasien yang ditangani sejumlah 172.303 dengan biaya perawatan mencapai Rp794,08 miliar. Penyakit yang juga sering disebut sebagai penyakit tersumbat atau pecahnya pembuluh darah di otak ini perlu perawatan yang intensif karena berhubungan dengan otak. Tak jarang penderitanya akan mengalami cacat seumur hidup. Karena itulah pengobatannya butuh biaya yang mahal.[4]

3. Ginjal
Penyakit kritis lain yang juga menghabiskan banyak biaya adalah penyakit ginjal. Menurut Menkes, biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menangani 138.779 pasien ginjal sebesar Rp750 miliar. Pengobatannya bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, mulai dari cuci darah rutin, operasi untuk mengangkat batu ginjal, hingga cangkok ginjal.[5]
4. Diabetes
Penyakit yang dikenal berhubungan dengan gula ini menurut Menkes menghabiskan Rp313,64 miliar untuk menangani 70.584 pasien sepanjang Januari – Juni 2014. Penderita diabetes harus punya disiplin tinggi untuk mengontrol gula darah. Semakin tinggi kadar gula penyandang diabetes, maka akan semakin tinggi sejumlah penyakit komplikasi yang mungkin menyertai, seperti stroke, jantung, dan ginjal.[6]

5. Kanker
Penyakit kanker juga termasuk penyakit yang mendatangkan beban keuangan. Jumlahnya mencapai Rp313,09 miliar untuk merawat 56.033 pasien. Ada beragam jenis kanker yang menyerang. Mulai dari kanker otak, laring, paru-paru, payudara, serviks, dan lainnya. Untuk merawat penderita, biasanya pasien harus menjalani terapi kemo (diberi obat suntik untuk melemahkan kanker) hingga operasi pengangkatan kanker pada bagian tubuh yang terserang.[7]
Agar terhindar dari jenis jenis penyakit tersebut  Anda bisa berkonsultasi dengan dokter dan ahli kesehatan. Salah satu upaya pencegahannya menurut Guru Besar Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia Hasbullah Thabrany di antaranya adalah dengan tidak merokok. Sebab rokok merupakan faktor risiko yang menyebabkan aneka penyakit kritis seperti jantung, stroke, hingga kanker.[8] Dan agar terhindar dari risiko beban finansial atas jenis penyakit kritis yang mungkin menghampiri keluarga, sebaiknya Anda mempersiapkan proteksi seperti dana darurat untuk kesehatan atau memiliki asuransi sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Klaim BPJS Kesehatan: Penyakit Kritis Mendominasi

Sebagian besar klaim yang diajukan oleh peserta program jaminan kesehatan BPJS Kesehatan merupakan biaya pengobatan untuk penyakit kritis yakni diabetes, hipertensi, dan jantung.
Phindo Bagus Darmawan, Kepala Departemen Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan BPJS Kesehatan Divisi Regional XI, mengatakan sebagian besar klaim dimanfaatkan ketiga penyakit kritis tersebut dan paling banyak memakan biaya.
Selain jumlah penderita diabetes, hipertensi, dan jantung, cukup banyak, biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk mengobati ketiga penyakit tersebut juga tinggi.
“Ketiga penyakit itu yang paling banyak menghabiskan dana,” ujarnya, Kamis (22/1/2015).
Di luar ketiga penyakit kritis tersebut, penyakit lain yang banyak diderita para peserta adalah infeksi, diare, dan demam berdarah.
Sepanjang 2014, total klaim untuk membayar kapitasi rumah sakit, penyedia layanan kesehatan primer, serta membiayai biaya pengobatan peserta di Divisi Regional XI BPJS Kesehatan mencapai Rp1,20 triliun.
Selain alokasi untuk tindakan kuratif, sekitar 2,5% dana juga dimanfaatkan untuk membiayai upaya preventif.
Sejumlah inisiatif yang telah dilakukan di antaranya adalah program edukasi kesehatan kepada masyarakat umum, program pengelolaan kesehatan bagi penderita penyakit kritis, dan vaksinasi Hepatitis B bagi para tenaga kesehatan.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Special guide for best insurance companies seeker in France

A guide to insurance in France Compulsory insurance reaches across many sectors in France. Here’s an essential guide to make sure you’re properly insured while living in France.
The French have a more dirigiste approach to insurance than many new arrivals may be used to. Where liability is concerned for example, insurance is often obligatory. This guide is designed to make sure you are properly insured while living in France.The French insurance market offers a wide choice of companies and policies to choose from. You may contact an insurer online, through a local agent or via a broker.

As in other spheres, you get what you pay for. A broker may be more expensive but his job is to get the best deal for you from the insurer and to be at your side throughout the life of your contract including whenever a claim occurs. Insurance has its own jargon and, in a foreign country, language may be an additional problem. Although some company sites carry an English-language page, most do not. Some local agents speak English and there are brokers who specialise in helping expatriates. Banks and supermarkets also offer insurance policies at attractive rates but they are not tailor made and the staff is not trained to the same degree as those who only transact insurance.Insurance is a legal requirement Insurance is a legal requirement for vehicle owners (assurance automobile), homes whether rented or owned (assurance habitation), for civil liability (assurance responsabilité civile or chef de famille), and for school-age children (assurance scolaire)

In addition to having a job or a private income, one of the requirements for residency in France is that you are covered by health insurance. If you are employed or self-employed, you have to pay into the state health coverage system (La Sécurite sociale). This will not cover you fully and most people take out top-up insurance commonly called a Mutuelle.

If you are not employed and are not entitled to a European pension, you will have to take out private health insurance that covers you from the first euro of your healthcare expenses. For more information on health insurance see ‘A guide to healthcare in France’.

You are legally required to insure your home

Whether you rent or own, you must have your policy in hand before moving in. All home insurance policies in France are comprehensive and they will cover any damage to your home and contents, such as fire, water damage, theft and vandalism.

In addition, any risk of damage that an accident at your home might cause to someone else’s residence will be included since this is obligatory. This will cover you if, for example, your apartment’s bathtub leaks into the ceiling of the flat downstairs or a tile falls off of your roof onto someone’s head.

Natural catastrophes are also automatically covered. Recent years have seen an alarming number of natural catastrophes in some regions, particularly forest fires and flooding in the south of the country, including in urban areas.

You will be asked questions about the property, including the number of square meters and the number of rooms, but most companies will not require a visit before offering terms. You will not be asked to value the building since this is dealt with by a national building index.

Be sure you ask for adequate contents cover; some people try and reduce the premium by undervaluing their contents and rue the consequences on the day of a claim. Fire alarms are not required either by French law or most insurers. Certain theft protections may appear draconian such as the presence and use of an alarm (depending upon the value of your contents) and the closing of shutters at night or during long absences.

It is strongly advisable to make sure you understand the small print of any policy, especially regarding the excesses you will have to carry and your obligations to protect the property.

All of the major companies are reputable, and the only significant difference in policies will probably be between rates. Some companies will offer discounts if you choose them for multiple policies such as home and car insurance.

Insurance required for school children

Some home insurance policies will automatically cover your liability for any damage or injury your child may cause at school; others will offer this as a separate cover at a nominal premium. In both cases, the insurer will give you a certificate or attestation that the school will ask you for at the beginning of the school year. While not strictly mandatory for school attendance, it is required for any activities outside the official curriculum including field trips of any kind as well as extracurricular sports.

Motor vehicles in France must be insured

All motor vehicles in France must be insured for collision liability, even if they are not in use, unless all four wheels are removed. Policies are either third party (tiers collision), third party fire & theft or comprehensive (tous risques).

Whenever you drive your vehicle, you are legally required to carry—along with your car registration papers(le certificat d’immatriculation) —a document, the attestation d’assurance, issued by the insurance company proving you are insured. Part of this, is a green certificat d’assurance testifying to the validity of your insurance. This must be fixed on your vehicle windscreen, so as to be clearly visible.

Don’t leave these papers in the glove compartment; if your car is stolen and you cannot produce them, you will have difficulties in obtaining the police statement you need to make an insurance claim. You also help the thief pretend he is the rightful owner.

Your insurer will also issue you with an internationally standard form, le constat amiable, to fill in the event of an accident. It provides space to fill out insurance details, a written and graphic description of the accident and it must be completed and signed by both you and the other party involved. It is a carbon copy sheet, and both parties send their copy back to their respective insurer to establish responsibility.

Do not add anything to the form after completing and signing it with the other party as the two insurers may compare their copies in establishing who was at fault.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

How Do I Set My Auto Insurance Deductible?

Deductibles share the financial risk of loss between you and the insurance company. The more risk you're willing to take on through a higher deductible, the lower your premium.
When you experience a loss that is covered by your insurance policy, the deductible is the amount you're responsible for before the insurance pays. Let's say you're in an auto accident, and the cost to repair your vehicle is $1,200. If you have a $500 deductible, you're responsible for the first $500 of the repair cost, and your auto insurance company will cover the remaining $700.

Generally speaking, deductibles apply only to your property damage, not the liability that kicks in when you're found legally responsible for injuries to other people or damage to their property.

Auto insurance deductibles vary by state, with options up to $1,000, sometimes more. The most common deductibles are $250 and $500.

Auto insurance policies usually require you to carry separate deductibles for comprehensive and collision coverage. Comprehensive covers events such as fire, vandalism, glass damage and theft. Collision covers vehicle damage due to an accident, regardless of fault. You pay the deductible that applies to the type of claim you have.

Keep in mind, if you are in an auto accident that isn't your fault and the other party has insurance, the damages to your vehicle should be covered under the other party's property-damage liability coverage.
Here are five things USAA suggests when deciding where to set your deductible:

  • Choose one you can afford. If you select a $500 deductible, for instance, your emergency fund should have $500 available in case you have a loss.
  • Consider the vehicle's value. Determine your automobile's monetary value. That way, you know whether it makes sense to pay for both comprehensive and collision coverage. It can also help you decide how high to set the accompanying deductibles.
  • Consider your premium. There's a natural tendency to lean toward a lower deductible. Who wouldn't like their insurance company to pay more at claim time? But carrying a very low deductible comes with a higher bill. Remember, in general, the lower your deductible, the higher your premiums.
  • Know what it's meant to cover. As you contemplate your decision, remember insurance is designed to protect you from a financial setback, not cover small losses you can afford to pay out of pocket.
  • Avoid extremes. Given the trade-off between deductibles and premiums, it probably doesn't make sense to lean too far in either direction. If you set the deductible as low as possible, you'll pay a considerably higher premium. Set it too high, and you may struggle to cover your share of the cost when something goes wrong.

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Pursuing your education outside your home country? Take StudentSecure insurance from HCC Medical Insurance Services (HCCMIS) with you.

Do I need study abroad insurance? If you are a student or scholar planning on traveling to pursue your education outside your home country, health insurance is a necessity.

Most student visas and learning institutions require visiting foreign students be covered by a comprehensive health insurance policy. You may also fi nd that the coverage from your home country will not follow you while you are studying abroad. HCC Medical Insurance Services (HCCMIS) off ers StudentSecure as an aff ordable solution.

HCCMIS takes the guesswork out of insurance for individuals in study abroad programs with StudentSecure, a plan designed specifi cally to meet the needs of international students and scholars. HCCMIS’s StudentSecure is the program that travels with you and meets or exceeds U.S. government student visa requirements.

The four levels of coverage – Elite, Select, Budget and Smart – ensure that you can fi nd the appropriate plan. Each plan includes coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains.

After purchasing coverage,

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HCC Medical Insurance Services LLC (HCCMIS), headquartered in the United States in Indianapolis, Indiana, is a full-service company off ering international medical insurance and short- term medical insurance products designed to meet needs of consumers worldwide. HCCMIS is a subsidiary of HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: HCC), a leading Specialty Insurance group. HCC’s major companies have a fi nancial strength rating of AA (Very Strong) by Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings and A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best Company.

For more information about StudentSecure, please visit

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Did You Consider This?

Car Accident

Converting kilometers to miles can be hard, but a speed limit is a

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*This amount is an example of an actual claim handled by HCCMIS. Coverage for similar claims is not to be inferred as all claims are unique.

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Pre-existing Conditions

After 6 months of continuous coverage, StudentSecure Elite and StudentSecure Select will provide benefi ts for pre- existing conditions (12 months for StudentSecure Budget). A pre-existing condition is generally defi ned as any injury or illness which, within the 12 months prior to the eff ective date of coverage, manifested itself, exhibited symptoms, or required medical treatment or medication, or for which a physician was consulted. Please refer to the certifi cate of insurance for the complete defi nition.

Acute Onset of a Pre-existing Condition

Individuals who purchase StudentSecure Smart are entitled to a $25,000 lifetime maximum for the acute onset of a pre- existing condition. The acute onset of a pre-existing condition means a sudden and unexpected outbreak or recurrence of a pre-existing condition which occurs spontaneously and without advance warning either in the form of physician recommendations or symptoms, is of short duration, is rapidly progressive, and requires urgent care. The acute onset of a pre-existing condition must occur after the eff ective date of the policy. Treatment must be obtained within 24 hours of the sudden and unexpected outbreak or recurrence. A pre-existing condition that is a chronic or congenital condition or that gradually becomes worse over time will not be considered acute onset. All other expenses related to pre-existing conditions are not covered with StudentSecure Smart

Organized Sports Activities

Medical expenses for injuries or illnesses sustained while participating in intercollegiate, interscholastic, intramural, or club sports are covered by the StudentSecure plan up to a maximum of $5,000 per Injury or Illness on StudentSecure Elite and Select and up to $3,000 per injury or illness on StudentSecure Budget. StudentSecure Smart does not provide coverage for organized sports activities.

Mental Health Disorders

StudentSecure Elite, Select and Budget provide benefi ts for mental health disorders including the treatment of substance abuse. Drug and alcohol abuse are covered under the mental health disorders benefi t. Treatment for mental health disorders is covered only if not obtained from a student health center.

Emergency Dental

The following emergency dental expenses are covered: emergency dental treatment and dental surgery necessary to restore or replace sound natural teeth lost or damaged in an accident which is covered under this insurance subject to a maximum of $250 per tooth and $500 certifi cate period maximum; and emergency dental treatment necessary to resolve acute, spontaneous and unexpected onset of pain subject to a maximum benefi t of $100 per certifi cate period. Emergency Dental benefi ts are available on the Elite, Select and Budget plans only.

Emergency Medical Evacuation

Would you know what to do if you found yourself in a lifethreatening situation far from home? HCCMIS is experienced in arranging emergency medical evacuations. StudentSecure will cover the necessary expenses to transport you to the nearest medical facility qualifi ed to treat your life- threatening condition. We also understand the importance of family support in these diffi cult situations. StudentSecure will also cover the transportation, lodging, and meal costs for a relative to join you after an emergency medical evacuation up to the lifetime limit.


In these turbulent times, the risk of a terrorist attack is a reality. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, StudentSecure off ers coverage for medical expenses resulting from these acts.

Repatriation of Remains

The death of a loved one is never easy, no matter the circumstances. In the unfortunate event of your death while traveling abroad, StudentSecure will arrange for and cover the costs associated with the repatriation of your remains.

Tuesday 5 April 2016



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All guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company, and for variable products, do not apply to the performance of the variable subaccounts, which will vary with marketing conditions.


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Allianz Life Insurance Company of New York focuses on helping you achieve your long-term retirement goals. Our financial professionals develop strategies designed to help you plan for a strong and reliable financial future. Allianz Life Insurance Company of New York is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America.
Life Insurance and annuity products are issued by Allianz Life Insurance Company of New York, New York City, NY. Variable products are distributed by its affiliate, Allianz Life Financial Services, LLC, Member FINRA, 5701 Golden Hills Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55416.
All guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company, and for variable products, do not apply to the performance of the variable subaccounts, which will vary with marketing conditions.


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Euler Hermes is North America’s largest provider of trade credit insurance. We offer both domestic and export credit insurance policies that insure clients against commercial and political risk in more than 200 countries worldwide

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Perbedaan dan Persamaan antara CI+ dan CI 100

Produk Tapro Allianz memiliki tiga rider penyakit kritis, yaitu CI, CI+, dan CI100. Yang terakhir diluncurkan pada bulan Juli 2013 (Tapro konvensional) dan April 2014 (Tapro syariah).

Perbedaan CI+ dan CI100
  1. CI+ menanggung 49 kondisi penyakit kritis,  list 49 kondisi yang ditanggung tersebut dapat di klik di sini . CI100 menanggung 100 kondisi penyakit kritis. list 100 kondisi/penyakit kritis dapat di lihat di sini
  2. CI+ masa perlindungannya sampai usia 70 tahun, CI100 sampai usia 100 tahun.
  3. CI+ menanggung penyakit kritis tahap lanjut (advanced), CI100 menanggung penyakit kritis mulai tahap awal (early stage).
  4. CI+ tidak ada syarat survival period (masa bertahan hidup sejak terdiagnosa penyakit kritis), CI100 ada survival period selama 7 hari.
  5. CI+ usia masuknya mulai usia 1 sd 64 tahun, CI100 mulai usia 5 sd 70 tahun.
  6. CI+ biaya asuransi atau iuran tabarru-nya lebih murah daripada biaya asuransi CI100.
Persamaan CI+ dan CI100
  1. Masa tunggu 90 hari dari tanggal polis disetujui, atau dari tanggal pemulihan polis (jika sempat lapse).
  2. Maksimum UP 2 miliar, kecuali disetujui lebih oleh Allianz.
  3. Klaim CI+ maupun CI100 tidak mengurangi UP jiwa dasar.
  4. UP CI+ dan CI100 tidak dapat melebihi UP jiwa dasar.
  5. Dalam satu polis Tapro, hanya dapat ditambahkan satu rider penyakit kritis.
  6. 49 penyakit kritis yang ada di CI+, seluruhnya ada di CI100. Jadi, CI100 sudah mencakup CI+.
Rincian Manfaat CI100
CI100 menanggung 100 kondisi penyakit kritis yang dibagi menjadi beberapa tahap:
  1. Tahap awal (early stage), 32 kondisi. Klaim dibayar 50% UP, maksimum 500 juta.
  2. Tahap menengah (intermediate stage), 13 kondisi. Klaim dibayar 100% UP, maksimum 1 miliar.
  3. Tahap lanjut (advanced stage), 48 kondisi. Klaim dibayar 100% UP, maksimum 2 miliar.
  4. Tahap katastropik (catasthropic), 5 kondisi. Klaim dibayar 120% (ada tambahan 20% UP).
  5. Manfaat tambahan: Angioplasti, klaim sebesar 10% UP, maksimum 75 juta (tidak mengurangi UP).
  6. Manfaat tambahan: Komplikasi diabetes, klaim sebesar 20% UP, maksimum 200 juta (tidak mengurangi UP).
Keunggulan CI100 Dibanding Kompetitor
CI100 tergolong produk penyakit kritis jenis early stage (bisa klaim sejak tahap awal penyakit kritis). Inilah beberapa keunggulan produk ini dibanding produk sejenis di perusahaan lain.
  1. Jumlah cakupan kondisi penyakit yang lebih banyak (100 kondisi penyakit).
  2. Masa perlindungan yang lebih lama (hingga usia 100 tahun atau seumur hidup, sama dengan asuransi dasar).
  3. Usia masuk yang lebih tua (usia 70 tahun masih bisa ambil).
  4. Syarat survival period yang paling singkat (7 hari).
  5. Biaya asuransi yang relatif lebih murah. Silakan dicek sendiri.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Manfaat Uang Pertanggungan Asuransi Jiwa

Hingga kini masih banyak orang yang kurang memahami apa fungsi uang pertanggungan asuransi jiwa sehingga banyak orang yang enggan membeli produk keuangan tersebut.
 Berdasarkan data Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia, pendapatan total industri asuransi jiwa nasional pada 2011 tumbuh 7,99 persen menjadi Rp 110,61 triliun dari tahun sebelumnya Rp 102,43 triliun. Foto diambil di Allianz Life Indonesia, Jakarta, Rabu (14/3/2015)

Selain kurang memahami, banyak orang juga tidak mau belajar mengenai produk keuangan yang memang rumit itu. Di sisi lain, penjual asuransi tidak menjelaskan berdasarkan kebutuhan calon kliennya, hanya menjelaskan berdasarkan kacamata dan kepentingan si penjual sehingga klien merasa tidak memerlukan produk tersebut.
Padahal, jika dijelaskan sesuai kebutuhan si calon klien, tentunya klien akan memahami manfaat uang pertanggungan asuransi jiwa tersebut. Ketika kepala keluarga, sebagai pencari nafkah utama apalagi sebagai pencari nafkah tunggal, meninggal, tentu beban keluarga menjadi sangat berat.
Tidak ada lagi pencari nafkah yang menyediakan pemasukan setiap bulan untuk keluarga. Uang pertanggungan asuransi dapat mengatasi kendala ini.
Ada beberapa manfaat yang didapatkan dari uang pertanggungan asuransi, di antaranya adalah sebagai uang untuk membayar biaya duka. Ketika seseorang meninggal, diperlukan biaya penguburan, seperti biaya sewa rumah duka, biaya sewa ambulans, biaya mengurus surat kematian, membeli sebidang tanah untuk makam atau kremasi. Biaya itu dapat diambil dari uang pertanggungan asuransi.
Beberapa orang mengalami sakit panjang sebelum meninggal. Biaya rumah sakit tentu tidak sedikit. Uang pertanggungan dari klaim asuransi yang dicairkan pun dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membayar biaya-biaya rumah sakit. Tidak hanya itu, dana dari klaim asuransi jiwa ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membayar biaya pendidikan anak-anak

Bahkan, bagi orang yang sudah memiliki banyak aset, uang pertanggungan asuransi juga masih bermanfaat. Ketika orang sudah memiliki banyak aset, seperti beberapa rumah, apartemen, saham, dan logam mulia, kadang merasa tidak memerlukan asuransi jiwa.
Padahal, uang pertanggungan asuransi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membiayai pembagian harta tersebut. Peralihan kepemilikan atau balik nama sebuah aset properti, misalnya dari orangtua kepada anaknya, ada biaya-biaya, seperti biaya notaris dan biaya pajak dan bea, semisal bea perolehan atas hak tanah dan bangunan (BPHTB).
Belum lagi jika ternyata pembagian harga waris tidak mulus dan terjadi perselisihan di antara para ahli warisnya, uang pertanggungan asuransi dapat digunakan untuk membayar biaya pengacara dan pengadilan.
Jadi, uang pertanggungan asuransi jiwa dapat dimanfaatkan untuk banyak keperluan.